It’s not a game is the story of Kamila, Jessica, Kishi, and countless other girls. These stories are inspired by the lives of the girls and young women from across the province who used the services of their local CALACS (Centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel).
Kamila, 16 years old
Jessica, 14 years old
Kishi, 12 years old
Kamila, Jessica and Kishi became Alessa, Alex and Kyla. Without even realizing it, they had stepped into the labyrinth of sexual exploitation. Find out what happened to them by clicking here.
A sexual assault is an act of violence, domination, humiliation, or abuse of power committed mostly by men against women and children. To sexually abuse is to impose sexual behaviour, words, and/or conducts on someone without their explicit consent through bullying, threats, blackmail, or verbal/physical/psychological violence. Unwanted contacts, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual harassment, rape, gang rape, incest, sex trafficking, sexual assault by a romantic partner, sexual coercion, obscene phone calls, forcing someone to watch porn, sexual assault through intoxication, sexual cyberviolence (cyber sexual assault, sextortion, cyberexploitation, distributing intimate videos, images or recordings without prior consent) are all types of sexual assault.
Consent is a voluntary, enthusiastic, and clear agreement between the participants to engage in sexual activity. Each partner is the only person able to determine what their desires and needs are. Consent is saying yes to a specific sexual activity in the context of a mutual participation agreement required for each sexual activity.
Sexual exploitation is when one or several individuals profit sexually, financially, or professionally from someone else’s sexuality. Stripping, erotic massages, escort work (with an agency or as a freelancer), pornography, the different types of prostitution (streetwalking, income supplement, online), and transactional sex (exchanging sex for goods or services such as a roof, drugs, food, lifts) are all examples of sexual exploitation.
CALACS Coup de coeur

CALACS DES RIVIÈRES Haute-Yamaska Brome-Missisquoi
CALACS du Saguenay
CALACS L’Étoile du Nord
CALACS L’Étoile du Nord: 819-825-6968
Cell Project Ouvrons les portes: 819-527-7099
CALAS de l’Outaouais
Cell Project Voix de Sortie (call or text message): 819-271-6411
Talk to someone and get support 24/7
Sexual Violence Helpline: 1-888-933-9007
If you are in immediate danger, call 911!

Download the campaign posters:
Format: 8.5 x 11″
Format: 5 x 7″

© CALACS La Chrysalide, CALACS DES RIVIÈRES, CALACS Agression Estrie, CALACS du Saguenay,
CALACS Étoile du Nord, CALACS Coup de Coeur, CALAS de l’Outaouais /